Treatment of Water and Wastewater

Alternative sources for cities

Since Renova Foundation took over the management of the activities to improve potable water sources in the municipalities located along the Doce river in August 2016, there have been no interruptions to the supply. The water offered to populations by the municipal treatment stations complies with all drinkability requirements, and is constantly inspected by the authorities.

Until the rivers return to their normal state and water quality studies are undertaken, we need to guarantee the supply of freshwater to municipalities along the Doce river. We are building water pipelines and artesian wells to enhance the efficiency of directing water to water treatment stations and waste treatment stations in the region;

Treatment of Water and Wastewater

Water pipelines (Renova Foundation's Archive)



As for wastewater treatment, on December 28, 2016 we allocated R$ 51,895,016.76 to the municipalities lying on the banks of the Doce river, including the Risoleta Neves power plant and Regência, in Espírito Santo, to prepare the basic sanitation plans, sewage system projects, the implementation of collection and treatment works, eradication of landfills and implementation of regional landfills.