Fundação Renova


Published in: 06/30/2022

Infrastructure Improvement , Baixo Rio Doce Territory

Work carried out with compensatory resources was inaugurated at the beginning of June

The operations of the first stage of the Sewage Treatment Station (ETE) in the district of Barbados, in Colatina, Espírito Santo, have started. The part of the ETE that comprises the preliminary treatment was concluded with compensatory funds from the Renova Foundation’s Sanitation Program, in the amount of approximately R$2 million.

A second stage of the works is planned to complement the secondary treatment at the ETE, with the implementation of final decanters, which will also be financed with resources in the amount of approximately R$11.3 million. The sanitation project will benefit more than 125,000 inhabitants in the region. With the ETE operating, the municipality’s domestic sewage will undergo treatment processes before returning to the environment.

In Colatina, work is also in progress for the implementation of the Waste Treatment Center (CTR) by Condoeste (Public Consortium for the Treatment and Adequate Final Disposal of Solid Waste from the West Doce Region of the State of Espírito Santo), which should benefit about 500,000 people.

Investments in adequate sewage collection and treatment in the municipality will bring significant improvements to the population’s quality of life and also to the water in the Doce River basin.

Compensatory resources

The Renova Foundation will make available, for sewage and solid waste works, around R$170 million in compensatory resources for four municipalities in Espírito Santo, namely Linhares, Colatina, Baixo Guandu and Marilândia; and for Condoeste, comprising 22 municipalities in Espírito Santo.

By contracting the Espírito Santo Development Bank (Bandes), sanitary sewage and urban solid waste disposal actions are being funded with a view to improving the water quality of the Doce River. The program also has complementary activities of technical support and training of municipal agents.

Until March of this year, R$11.6 million had been transferred to the municipalities of Baixo Guandu, Colatina and Linhares, and to Condoeste. The installments are released after analysis and approval of the projects and inspections of the works, which done by the bank.

In Baixo Guandu and Marilândia, engineering projects for the sanitary sewage systems of the municipal headquarters are being prepared.

Revitalization of the Doce River

The sewage collection and treatment, and the proper disposal of solid waste are considered fundamental for the revitalization of the Doce River. The Hydrographic Basin Committee (CBH–Doce) points out that 80% of the domestic sewage generated by the municipalities along the basin goes directly to the river, without any treatment, polluting the watercourses. At the same time, a large part of the urban solid waste collected is disposed of in dumps, causing various environmental impacts, such as proliferation of diseases, visual pollution, contamination of soil and water resources, among others.

The expectation of the Renova Foundation is to generate a positive environmental impact for the entire basin, with the reduction of the polluting organic load released directly into water resources. In this sense, the sanitation projects will promote the improvement of the water quality of the Doce River Basin and consequent improvement in the population’s quality of life and health.

Learn more about water treatment and analysis actions:

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